Fashion casual fall in love with another style
The company produces a wide variety of products, including wallets, pencil cases, cosmetic bags, handbags, fashion bags, school bags, rucksacks, travel bags and so on.
The company produces a wide variety of products, including wallets, pencil cases, cosmetic bags, handbags, fashion bags, school bags, rucksacks, travel bags and so on.
Focus on bag OEM/ODM customization
Shenzhen Zhengyuan Handbag Leather Co., Ltd. is a handbag factory specializing in R&D, design, production, processing, sales, contracting and manufacturing. The factory was established in 2006 and covers an area of 1,000 square meters. It has more than 100 employees. The factory has more than 50 new computer flat cars, more than 10 high-speed cars, 10 DY cars, 3 sets of pattern machines, as well as self-made cutting machine cutting machines and forklifts.
Floor Space
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