Why is the cheapest personalised jewellery box moldy

2022-12-26 15:10

Cheapest personalised jewellery boxes are thicker than ordinary boxes, and have a drop-proof effect, which can effectively protect your precious jewelry. However, it is not difficult to find in life that cheapest personalised jewellery boxes are prone to mildew after long-term storage or use. So what is the cause of the mildew?
Cheapest personalised jewellery boxes are generally made of several materials such as wood, leather, flocking, cloth, paper, and water-based glue, and these materials may contain fibers, oils, etc. that can provide nutrients for the growth and reproduction of mold; Secondly, when it is relatively humid or the material is easy to absorb water and dust, the cheapest personalised jewellery box is easy to be stained with mold spores, which can provide suitable growth conditions for mold to help mold grow and reproduce. The main molds on the jewelry box are Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Chaetomium globosa, and Aspergillus versicolor.
Once the cheapest personalised jewellery box is moldy, it is easy to contaminate the product, seriously affect the appearance, and endanger people's health, and the mold has the characteristics of rapid spread and reproduction, which can easily lead to mold growth on other materials of the product, expanding losses and causing claims.